Monday, June 6, 2011

COMMIT in 2011

Not sure that I share these kinds of things with most people, but what the heck, I really have no secrets.  So here it is, people (yes, still in March) have been asking me what my “New Year Resolutions” are/were.  Well, the simple answer is, I don’t believe in resolutions!  I don’t do ‘em.  I never have, and I never will.  I think (personal opinion coming) that when we do that, we set ourselves up for failure.  Ironically enough last year, I started doing something that actually worked for me!  I heard about this “movement” (if I can call it that) called ONE WORD.  I don’t know that last year it was really a movement, but hey!!!  I have a friend in Nashville who blogged about it/FBed it and I sorta copied it.  However, this year, it seems to have caught on like wildfire!  This year it’s called ONE WORD 2011!  So for this year, I have chosen the word COMMIT!
Here is my list that I keep on my fridge, bathroom, the mirror that’s hung on the door as I walk out the house, my office and inside my Bible.  For me, it’s simple—I just really tap into this one word for the year and apply it to every area of my life (not just those things listed)!  My life is so active that, for me, it’s great to really focus on just one simple word!!!
So have at it and know what I am committing to this year, my friends!!!
COMMIT to being a better mom, girlfriend, daughter, friend, co-worker…
COMMIT to my body and being healthy/healthier
COMMIT to growing closer to God
COMMIT to walking in gratefulness
COMMIT to my community & communities I am passionate about

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