Monday, November 21, 2011

K’s First World Problems—Things that, in his mind, really SUCK!!!

*In no particular order
When the pink computer (AKA the iPad 2) battery is low
When his light saber batteries are dead
When the batteries in his RC truck are dead.
Wailing and gnashing of teeth occur if I don’t let him push the “start” button on the microwave.
When he isn’t allowed to push the garage door button to watch the door close
When I let him choose which shoes he wants to wear to T-ball—he can choose between 4 pairs.
When all 4 of his Buzz Lightyear shirts are dirty and that’s the shirt he REAALLLLY wanted to wear to school.
Having to choose between his two sets of rain boots
Only getting to go on the Casey Jr. train at Disneyland 2 times instead of 3 (or any ride since we go at least once a week).
When I only let him play at the park after school for 30 minutes because, um, it’s DARK OUT!!!
Only going to 4 pumpkin patches instead of as many as he wanted.
And the list goes on and on and on!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

National Adoption Awareness Month

November is National Adoption Awareness month!  Let’s get involved somehow in the orphan crisis worldwide, please?!
So Why Adoption?
I hear many people say that adoption is a great cause - “I’ll definitely look into it if I can’t have my own kids.”  While that is the reason many couples across the globe choose to turn to the wonderful method of adoption to bring little bundles of joy into their lives, it shouldn’t be the only reason one considers adoption. 
The Need
The need for loving families to adopt is great. In 2008, it was reported by the Children’s Bureau of the Administration for Children and Families of the United States Department of Health and Human Services that in America alone, there were 123,000 orphans (  But why should we? It’s not our fault their parents’ died or are abusers or druggies or have been put in jail, right? What does it matter to us?
As humans, we desire to help others and to heal the hurting.  The issue of orphans and the lack of adoption taking place to help them is a large problem in today’s world - a world we all call home.  Many organizations are reaching out and identifying the needs orphans face around the world.  Social workers, humanitarians, activists - all are seeing the need, the hurt, and going to being a better life to a child in need. 
Consider It
While I strongly believe that as many loving families as can should adopt, I am not saying it is for everyone or should be required for every family.  What I do strongly believe is that every family should at least consider the possibility of becoming an adoptive family, helping orphans in some way, or find a way to assist an adoptive family.  Adoption is not something every family can or should do. However, every person should help orphans in some way or another.  
My hope is that, this month, this blog will encourage you to consider ways to get involved in supporting the cause of the orphans and adoption.
What will your role be?

10,000 pictures

At a birthday party yesterday, my camera “rolled over” back to 1…  I have taken over 10,000 pictures with this handy-dandy thing.  As Coach Gray asked, “How many of them are of K?”  Um, probably about 9000!!!

What I'm ABout

I am all about being a mom
I am all about being a daughter, friend, girlfriend (someday a wife)
I am all about the worldwide orphan crisis—especially the one in this country.
I am all about getting people, worldwide, access to clean drinking water.
I am all about eradicating any form of slavery—yes people, it still exists.
I am all about being a goofball
I am all about watching reality TV while I cringe as I write that.
I am all about God and who He is and what He has done in my life
I am all about loving my neighbor—no matter what.
I am all about raising my son to know who he is—not just as a man of color, but that he has a wonderfully amazing Ethiopian heritage.
I am all about being proud of who you are
I am all about self confidence and not letting people pigeon hole you.
I am all about speaking to my son in Amharic, even if it makes some people uncomfortable.
I am all about love
I am all about giving of my time, talent and treasure to help someone.
I am all about giving back to my community because, why shouldn’t we?
I am all about feeding people who are hungry
I am all about being aware of what’s going on in other parts of the world.
I am all about travel
I am all about gratefulness
I am all about being born and raised in Southern California, but can appreciate other places too
I am all about faithfulness
I am all about freedom of speech, even if I don’t like what you have to say. Hey, you may not like what I have to say either and that’s ok.
I am all about agreeing to disagree.
I am all about Disneyland
I am all about the Lakers
I am all about quality time
I am all about being authentic
I am all about honesty—even when it sucks
This is just the short list…for now!!!