Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Negotiator

6 AM on a Friday morning.
K:  Mommy, can I go outside and play?
Me ( half asleep):  Sure baby!  (K silently walks downstairs.  I can hear him open the back door to play in the back yard. I get up, open the slider up here, so I can hear him and get in the shower.  Fast forward 35 minutes).  Baby, it’s time to come up and get dressed for school.
K:  Mommy, can I bring my train wiff me?
Me:  How about 1 train car.
K:  How about 4?
Me:  How about 2?
K:  How about 3?
Me:  How about 2?
K:  Mommy, how about 2! 
(He comes upstairs and is completely naked!)  *Good thing it’s summer time!

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