For those of you familiar with Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus, you know that this is her key phrase to her students when she wants them to step outside their comfort zone. For the first several months that K was here, I rarely let him watch TV. I was so focused on him learning English and making sure that I wasn’t ignoring signs of attachment disorder, that I didn’t want anything to cloud us building our family. We did a lot of music, but hardly any TV. Not only that, people know that I affectionately refer to the TV as the magic box or zombie box. I don’t hate TV, I just know its effect on me, as an adult, so I can only imagine its hypnotic, spellbinding effect on youngsters…but getting back to my point!
So, now, fast forward to being a family for over a year and yes, friends, I allow K to watch TV. It’s a treat for him, but I do allow it! Interestingly enough, what I have found is that I am really interested in the shows I allow him to watch. Not only that, I find it amazing what I have learned since I have become a mother. It isn’t what you would think. Yes, I have learned about being a little more patient. Yes, I have learned about surviving on 2 hours of sleep (as a 38 year old, not as an 18 year old—big difference folks). Yes, I have learned how to cook dinner, do the dishes, start 2 loads of laundry and still play a game with K all at the same time (or close to it). Yes, I have realized that our world is a living piece of musical theatre. Yes I have discovered why mom’s before me ALWAYS talk about their kids—why wouldn’t you? But actually, through watching TV with K, what I have learned goes way beyond the “mom” stuff.
I have learned ALL about Dinosaurs, the intestinal track, how the body heals itself, how best to sound out words, the cycle of water, which dinosaurs are related to “modern” day animals, the difference between an alligator and a crocodile (nope, didn’t know that before), and a whole lot of other fantastical things! But as per my usual, I digress!!! As I was saying, now that I let him watch TV, we only watch approved movies (basically that means movies that I can stand to sit through if necessary) and certain PBS shows about spelling, science, dinosaurs and yes, the Magic School Bus. But this post isn’t supposed to be about the TV or what I let K watch. It’s supposed to be about taking chances, making mistakes and getting messy!
What I have found is that Miss Frizzle is a frackin’ genius—these are truly words to live by. I know that she says this to the kids to inspire them to think outside the box, but as an adult, with a mortgage, I know that I rarely think outside the box. Sure I have tattoos and body piercings. I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel the world (not all of it, but the list is long). I have eaten some shady food. Hell, I have dated some shady men (when you look at it in the simplest terms—all of these things [taking chances, making mistakes, getting messy] could easily fall into the category of my dating life, right?). I have worked in the prison system. I have worked in the music industry. I have worked in academia. I have worked in a hair salon. I have volunteered. I have gone on missions trips. I travelled half way across the world to become a Mama! But really, I wouldn’t say that this is thinking outside the box. I certainly wouldn’t classify those things as taking chance, making mistakes or getting messy (well, maybe some of the men were mistakes, but…)! Clearly, I want to inspire K to do all of these things, but how can I do that if I am not doing any of them?! Or am I!?
Oh, if only I could review all the things in my life that I have done that are indeed those 3 things, but really…when we think about it, what chances (lately) have we taken? What mistakes have we made (and owned them)? When was the last time that we REALLY got messy (yard work, housework, changing blow out diapers and gardening not included)? Now, I am in no way projecting my own life onto you! Believe me, I am preaching to myself. Do I just continue my life as is? Do I try to shift things to make sure that I take chances, make mistakes, AND get messy? Is it enough to just take chances? How about if I just make mistakes? Hmmmm… Getting messy shouldn’t be too hard, right? Do I frown upon people who live in this cycle? Do I automatically call them frivolous and silly or flaky? Am I just jealous? Awwwww…if only I had the answers!
So the moral is—let’s take chances, make mistakes, get messy!!! Ok?! Ok!!!
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