Monday, June 6, 2011

Life Is a Song

I am ready to admit it.  I am honestly ready to shout it from the rooftops.  Some of you may already know.  Some of you may not.  Some of you may not even care!  But I have to say it—I am in love. 

That’s right!  I have fallen in love with Glee!!!  I have been a Gleek from the beginning, but now that I am a mother, my passion for it has escalated!!!  I have always been a fan of musical theatre.  One of my ALL TIME favorite movies is Singin’ in the Rain.  I have even taught K most of the lyrics to the Good Morning song from that movie as our Good Morning anthem!  It truly bonds us!  

But I often hear the argument from people who aren’t into shows like Glee or musical theatre that “life isn’t about breaking out in song!”  Well, now that I am a Mama to a 3 year old!  THE HECK IT ISN’T!  I joke with my friends and co-workers that I am constantly singing and breaking out in song.  With a 3 year old in the house, everything is a song.  He doesn’t care about lyrics. He doesn’t care about pitch.  He doesn’t care if I am off key!  He just LOVES that I sing stuff!  I sing a made up song when it’s time to take his allergy medicine.  I sing a “let’s get in the bath” song.  I sing a “it’s time for shoes” song when he’s fighting me on wearing his “slipslops” as opposed to “real” shoes.  I even sing a song for when we are about to shut the garage door and he wants to stay outside and play!  I sing about going to bed.  We have a nap time song.  We even have a “we have played long enough at the park” song.  No joke!  When I say that I sing pretty much everything, I am serious!  I don’t know about your household, but Team Williams busts out in song every chance we get!!!

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