Monday, June 6, 2011

Lingo of the K

As a student of the English language, and someone who likes to mock others, there are several words/phrases that I do not correct when my son says them.  Part of the time, I love how he says them and the other part—I know he will grow out of how he says it and I don’t want him to.  Let’s face it—they make me laugh, it sounds cute coming from a 3 year old, and just a year ago, he didn’t speak a lick of English, so…
Here is just a taste of some of my favorites!
Nunqua (Grandpa)
Machina (car, truck, tractor, well anything with wheels—now he does differentiate)
Pepperloni (pepperoni)
Sand-bikel (bike or motorcycle)
Lonsewences (consequences)
Linleyland (Disneyland)
You ready Leddy (You ready Freddy)
See you later fali-later (See you later alligator)
Bellivering Truck (delivery truck)
Smam-inch (sandwich)
Slaaamahs (Llamas)
Pizza Butter (Peanut Butter)
Gotta love this lil man!

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