Monday, June 6, 2011

Philophobia! Really??? You have no clue who I am!

So I was told by an ex that I am have philophobia! For those of you who don’t know what that means—it’s a phobia of falling in love.  I was reminded of this appalling conversation when I saw a post on FB from a girl at my church (Rachel A) when someone said this to her… REALLY? 
As I look at my son, asleep (FINALLY) after a LONG day of urgent care, picking up prescriptions, being up all last night, sitting in a bath with cold water with him, wiping his snotty nose, and holding him basically all day—I got pissed about this conversation from way back when! 
Being someone who prides herself on being open to relationships and who frequently uses the phrase, “I love love!” I was blindsided by this statement.  Not only that, the only reason he knew this word existed (wit his dumb a$$) was because I had used it in reference to a movie we had watched.
So I guess, my problem is, because I am strong, intelligent, motivated, and awesome, I have a fear of falling in love?  because I won’t settle for less than what I deserve in a partner/significant other, I have a fear of falling in love?  Because I own my own home, have a fabulous life, adopted a child internationally without a man, and am ok with who I am with or without a man, then I have a fear of falling in love?  Oh puhlease!!! POPPYCOCK!!!
What so funny is that I want to fall in love—and for those of you who know me, you know this is true!  I would love to meet me equal.  I would love to find my “partner in crime”.  The guy who gets my humor.  The guy who digs my kid and me!  You know, that guy!
So to you (nameless ex-boyfriend who I dumped because you are a loser and didn’t deserve my time and who will never read this because we aren’t “friends”, but I feel better having written this), I say, SUCK IT!!!

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