Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday Truth-day! August 9, 2011

My episode of LA INK is supposed to be on this Thursday… Yeah.  Never been on TV.  NEVER thought it would air.  Totally nervous.

What if it sucks?  What if they took out all the awesome stuff I said about the orphan crisis?  What if they edited out all the really cool things I said about my experience/journey to being a mom?  What if they take out the passionate things I said about my son, his country, the people there, his birth parents, my other adoptive family friends?  Oh, geesh!  There are too many what ifs.

I just have to know that the camera is gonna add 85 or 90 pounds and try to recall that MY day at the shop and getting the tattoo was so AH-MAZING that no matter what is on the air, really means nothing!  Whatever they air is on them.

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