Friday, July 8, 2011

High Five for Friday—week of 07.04.11

*It is my goal that even when I kvetch, I still have an attitude of gratitude, so each Friday, I want to share at least 5 fantastical things that have happened to me!
1.  PTO!!!  Enjoyed the 4th!!!
2.  My son’s laugh!  This week has been a doosey at work and it seems like K knows that I need more of his laugh this week!  And I have gotten it!  So blessed!
3.  Dinner with Genevieve.  We have gone to church together for years and it’s been a blessing to “make” a new friend and get to hang out!
4.  A very kind note from Gisela thanking me for being positive.  It really made me happy that, without knowing it, I have been helpful to her…  That’s a very cool thing!
5.  64 days until Hawaii!

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