Saturday, July 2, 2011

High Five for Friday—week of 06.27.11

*It is my goal that even when I kvetch, I still have an attitude of gratitude, so each Friday, I want to share at least 5 fantastical things that have happened to me!
PS—these aren’t in any particular order!
1.  LA INK!!!  My segment is gonna air!!!  WOOOOHOOO!!!
2.  Swim lessons for K!  This is year two, week 4, and he is doing AMAZING!!!  He has learned backstroke, diving for rings, swimming underwater and how to go down the slide on his belly!
3.  Javier Colon won The Voice
4.  THREE DAY WEEKEND y’all!!!
5.  Carlos.  Even though he has been at Junior Olympics with his team this week, he still rocks my socks!


rachel said...

no.way, char! are you really gonna be on LA Ink? dan is going to be sooo jealous! when does it air? we have to tune in!

rachel said...

This is Dan. I am so jealous of your LA Ink segment. Tried so many times to get on there!