Friday, October 28, 2011


K’s school always participates in the annual “Treats in the Streets” in Old Towne Orange.  Each year that class goes as a theme—this year was “Peter Pan and Friends”.  His teachers put it all together and they do an amazing job!  And the kids always look so cute!!!
Afterwards, we go back to school and do a pizza party, but this year, we did a new thing—a pumpkin derby!  When I got the flyer about it, I thought, “Cool, stab some sticks through a pumpkin and strap on some wheels and let’s do this thing!”  However, when I showed the flyer to my dad (AKA Grandpa), he told me, “I will take care of this!” I left this task in his capable hands!
Four days of brainstorming and measuring and researching and painting wheels and stabbing the pumpkin, and looking for the perfectly sized pumpkin and FINALLY, it was ready for us to “decorate”.  I had some leftover “potato head” pumpkin things from a party last year, but asked K how he wanted to decorate it.  He wanted to do the Frankenstein potato head stuff!  I was all for it—not having to whip out paint and brushes (and painting shirts and plastic for the table and…well you get the idea) was a dream come true!
Now once we got to see the competition, I admit, I was a BIT intimidated, but hey, it’s just all in fun, right?  Hmmmmm.  Even if ours sucked, no one would care, would they?  Well, I thought, at least our pumpkin had a cool name—PumpkinStein!
We were in the last heat, and I had witnessed some pretty serious contenders wipe out big time—like all the wheels disintegrating before it even hit the pavement!!!  So I wasn’t wholly hopeful that ours would kick butt—but WE DID!!!  In our first round, our pumpkin beat everyone for distance!  It was AWESOME!  And K (and my dad) were beyond stoked!  K chased it down the street but couldn’t keep up!  He was beside himself!
In the championship round, we completely kicked butt!  Not only did K win a prize for longest run, he also won the overall race!  It was so great—not only for K, but for my dad!  They are best friends, and I was so glad that they got to share this moment! 
*And not only that, the other dad’s were trying to pimp the winning info outta my dad as to how he built that mutha of a machine!  He certainly DIDN’T share any trade secrets!!!*
Just call me proud Mama (and daughter!).  Go PumpkinStein!!!  Go Team Williams!!!

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